Category Archives: pregnancy problems

Embryo Migration and Maternal Recognition

Posted: | September 18, 2022

Evidence that embryo migration (translocation) is not always if ever, necessary for the successful signalling or reception of the Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy (MRP) in the mare – Long thought to be connected, embryo migration and maternal recognition may not be so closely related after all. By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS A Case Study By tracking the… Read More »

Ventral Rupture in the Pregnant Mare

Posted: | February 3, 2021

Late Term Pregnancy Problems in the Mare – Ventral Rupture in the Mare – A late-term mare presents with ventral oedema and obvious discomfort. What is the diagnosis and treatment? By Jonathan F Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, DESM, MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Equine Reproduction First Published in UK VET 8;3, April 2003 The 19-year-old multiparous pregnant Percheron mare illustrated… Read More »

Double Trouble – The Twin Dilemma

Posted: | February 3, 2021

Managing Twinning in the Mare – While most equine pregnancies are simple, twinning when it happens is an issue. Here we discuss managing twinning in the mare. By Jos Mottershead and Kathy St. Martin You’ve read all the articles at, your mare was in heat, you jumped through all the various hoops you needed to in order… Read More »

Abortion in the Mare – Some Pointers

Posted: | February 1, 2021

Late Term and Habitual Abortion in the Mare – Pregnancy loss in the mare is a constant source of concern among breeders. Here some common causes are discussed. By Jos Mottershead Late term and habitual abortion in the mare is a constant source of concern among breeders. It may be as a result of identifiable repetitious causes, or… Read More »

Chromosome Translocation

Posted: | January 16, 2021

Early Embryonic Loss and Genetics – Chromosomal translocations in horses may be a cause of early pregnancy loss or pregnancy failure. Dr. Teri Lear discusses the issue. By Dr. Teri L. Lear Chromosomes are large segments of DNA wound around special proteins within each cell’s nucleus. They contain nearly all of the body’s genetic material. Horses have 64… Read More »

Individual Tuition

Posted: | December 17, 2020

One-on-one Horse Breeding Training While we are renowned for offering short courses on the subject of horse breeding worldwide, we not infrequently encounter people either at the courses or through our website who are in need of more specific one-on-one horse breeding training. Perhaps they do not own stallions but want to learn more about the reproductive aspects… Read More »

Early Embryonic Death (EED) – what it is and why it may happen

Posted: | December 3, 2020

Early Embryonic Death – Noted reproductive veterinarian Dr. Jon Pycock explores early embryonic death in the mare and some possible resolutions to the problem. By Jonathan F Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, DESM, MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Equine Reproduction For all horse breeders, it is important to realize that not every mare will give birth to a live foal. Failure… Read More »

Is my mare Overdue? The Perennial Panic!

Posted: | November 13, 2020

Is my mare overdue? – A question frequently asked by concerned owners and discussed here with possible answers and statistics related to gestational durations. By Jos Mottershead Note: Please review the statistics at the foot of this page. If you have gestational duration information on your born-live colt or filly foal, please add it and assist us in… Read More »

Mare Articles

Posted: | October 11, 2020

Mare Articles About Equine Reproduction – A selection of articles related to mare reproductive matters. Included are descriptors of evalutions, lab work, management and problems. Please Note: While we believe the information found on these pages to be accurate and up to date at the time of writing, it is provided here for informational purposes only, and is… Read More »