Stallion Articles
Please Note: While we believe the information found on these pages to be accurate and up to date at the time of writing, it is provided here for informational purposes only, and is not intended to take the place of your veterinarian.
An Overview of Training the Stallion to Use the Breeding Mount
Phantom Training The Stallion - An Overview
- A short description of phantom training the stallion in order to collect semen for AI, using the breeding mount....
Artificial Vagina - Comparisons and Reviews
The Artificial Vagina
- 5 different commonly used types of equine artificial vagina compared - Colorado, Missouri, French (INRA), BotuPharma (Brazillian) and...
Assembling Your New INRA-AV and Preparing for Collection
Putting together an INRA (French) AV
(the way)
- A pictorial description of assembling the INRA (French) AV with the technique used...
Centrifugation - Tips, Techniques and Calculations
Centrifugation of Stallion Semen
- Tips and tricks for centrifugation of stallion semen, with a G-rate (RCF) calculator. Why centrifuge semen? See this article!...
Cryptorchid - Types and Determination
Cryptorchidism in the colt
- This article describes the different forms, tests, resolutions and outcomes of cryptorchidism seen in the male horse (colt or stallion)....
FAQ's about Frozen-Semen
Frozen Semen FAQs
- New to using frozen semen? If you have questions, here we offer answers to some of those we hear relating to frozen equine (stallion) semen!...
FAQ's about the AI Process
Artificial Insemination and Transported Semen FAQs
- Answers to some frequently asked questions about the equine A.I. (artificial insemination) and T.S. (transported...
Frozen Semen - part 1 of a 2-part article
Frozen semen preparation and use
- An overview of frozen semen - Part 1 of a two-part article which appeared in the "Canadian Morgan" magazine in the November...
Frozen Semen - part 2 of a 2-part article
Frozen semen preparation and use
- An overview of frozen semen - Part 2 of a two-part article which appeared in the "Canadian Morgan" magazine in the November...
Getting Set Up for Semen Collection
Setting Up For Semen Collection and Transport
- What laboratory and other equipment is required as a minimum to set up for stallion semen collection to ship cooled...
Ground Collection Techniques for the Stallion
Ground Collecting a Stallion
- A description of training a stallion for ground collection and a discussion of situations where ground collection would be beneficial....
How Clean is that Mare?
Uterine Swabs, Smears and Cultures.
- What should a stallion owner do to protect the Live Cover stallion from pathogenic transfer? An overview of swabs smears...
How Progressively Motile Are Those Sperm?
How Progressively Motile Are Those Sperm?
- A comparison of videos of CASA evaluations showing poor, good and excellent progressively motile sperm. A useful teaching...
Manual Collection Techniques for the Stallion
A Modification of the Crump Manual Semen Collection Method as Used by the University of PA (New Bolton Center)
- Description of semen collection from a stallion...
Phantom Plans - Build Your Own Breeding Mount!
The Home-Built Power-pole Breeding Mount or "Phantom"
- How to build a phantom mare (breeding mount) for collecting semen from stallions. Detailed plans for a...
The Cost of Doing Business - Setup Costs for Semen Collection
The Cost of Doing Business
(or "Why do I have to pay so much for collections when I breed my mare using transported semen?")
- The cost of doing business when...
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