General FAQ’s and Articles About Equine Reproduction

– included are articles related to information about sexually transmissible diseases and exporting semen.

Please Note: While we believe the information found on these pages to be accurate and up to date at the time of writing, it is provided here for informational purposes only, and is not intended to take the place of your veterinarian.


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AI use in the TB industry

AI use in the TB industry

The question of AI use in the TB industry - a viewpoint - Here we offer some support for the use of AI and refute some of the common reasons often offered against...
Contagious Equine Metritis - CEM

Contagious Equine Metritis - CEM

Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) - A notifiable disease, Contagious Equine Metritis poses a significant threat for domestic breeders and international trade....
Equine Viral Arteritis

Equine Viral Arteritis

Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) - a detailed and descriptive article about equine viral arteritis (EVA), a disease which has severe negative reproductive implications....
Equine Viral Arteritis Factfile

Equine Viral Arteritis Factfile

Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) - A summary of information about a disease with reproductive implications. This equine viral arteritis factfile shoots down some...
Frozen Equine Semen - An Overview

Frozen Equine Semen - An Overview

Frozen Equine Semen - An Overview - Some horse breeders are unsure about the use of frozen equine semen. In this overview, we offer some of the pros and cons....
Horse Breeding Ethics

Horse Breeding Ethics

The Ethics of Breeding - More than a popularity contest - This older article discussing horse breeding ethics, while written many years ago still holds true today...
Horse Lovers

Horse Lovers

And They Call Us Horse Lovers - Dr. Robert Miller explores the concept in more detail, with some surprising conclusions! By Robert M. Miller, DVM The Nation...
Mules - The First Cloned Equids

Mules - The First Cloned Equids

Cloned Mule Birth! First Successfully Cloned Equid - Our team was the first to break the news of the U-Idaho's first successfully cloned equid to the world...
Breeding Myth-Information - Items Commonly Heard!

Breeding Myth-Information - Items Commonly Heard!

Horse Breeding Myth-Information - Some commonly heard myths and errata about horse breeding (equine reproduction). Some funny, some frustrating - all incorrect!!...
Shipping Horse Semen to Canada from the US

Shipping Horse Semen to Canada from the US

Steps for Shipping Horse Semen to Canada from the US - A step-by-step guide to the USDA and CFIA requirements for Shipping Horse Semen to Canada from the US. By...