Category Archives: Newcombe

New Research Articles from Professor John Newcombe!

Posted: | June 30, 2024

Unpublished Research Articles from Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS We were delighted – honoured to be asked – to present some previously unpublished and summarized research articles from Professor John Newcombe. The author is a world-renowned expert in the field of equine reproduction, with a list of peer-reviewed published works well in excess of a hundred. In association… Read More »

Repeated Embryo Loss in Mares

Posted: | June 2, 2024

Repeated Embryo Loss in Mares is the Result of Retarded, Small for Age, Embryonic Vesicles. By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS A Normal Foetus and then a Foal Will Eventually Result When a Normal Embryo is Produced: A Case Report ABSTRACT A twelve-year-old maiden/barren part-TB mare with otherwise limited reproductive history, was sent to an equine fertility clinic… Read More »

Longer Last Cycle

Posted: | April 7, 2024

The last completed cycle (IOI) of the year before a phase of extended winter anoestrus is significantly longer than the midsummer IOI in each mare By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS Abstract Data held at a Clinic at latitude 52°N was examined retrospectively to determine the length of the last Inter-ovulatory Interval (“IOI” – “cycle”) preceding a period… Read More »

Cessation of migration (fixation) of the embryonic vesicle

Posted: | July 23, 2023

Cessation of migration (fixation) of the embryonic vesicle – Is cessation of migration (fixation) of the embryonic vesicle inextricably linked to days 15-17 of pregnancy? By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS Is cessation of migration (fixation) of the embryonic vesicle inextricably linked to days 15-17 of pregnancy? Introduction The ability of the embryo to signal to the endometrium… Read More »

Backwards Foalings

Posted: | July 23, 2023

Backwards Foalings – reverse presentations of the foal – are rare but present particular difficulty. Potential for repetition is also present By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS Backwards foalings – reverse presentations of the foal – are rare but present particular difficulty. Potential for repetition is also present. Lay abstract In posterior (backwards) or caudal presentation, the foal… Read More »

Seasonal absence of accessory ovulations

Posted: | February 8, 2023

Seasonal absence of accessory ovulations in pregnant mares: What is the need for eCG? – Secondary ovulations or luteal developments support early pregnancy – but what if there is a seasonal absence of accessory ovulations? By John R Newcombe, Equine Fertility Clinic, Warren House Farm, UK Introduction Years before the use of diagnostic ultrasound, WE Allen noticed that secondary… Read More »

Embryo Migration and Maternal Recognition

Posted: | September 18, 2022

Evidence that embryo migration (translocation) is not always if ever, necessary for the successful signalling or reception of the Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy (MRP) in the mare – Long thought to be connected, embryo migration and maternal recognition may not be so closely related after all. By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS A Case Study By tracking the… Read More »

Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS

Posted: | September 18, 2022

Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS – A collection of unpublished research work from this revered, prolific and eminent English equine reproduction researcher Unpublished and Summarized Research Material from Professor Newcombe, Research Director at the Equine Fertility Clinic, Brownhills, England We are delighted – honoured to be asked – to present some previously unpublished and summarized research material from… Read More »