Category Archives: foaling problems

Backwards Foalings

Posted: | July 23, 2023

Backwards Foalings – reverse presentations of the foal – are rare but present particular difficulty. Potential for repetition is also present By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS Backwards foalings – reverse presentations of the foal – are rare but present particular difficulty. Potential for repetition is also present. Lay abstract In posterior (backwards) or caudal presentation, the foal… Read More »

Vulval Conformation and Caslick’s Procedure

Posted: | November 2, 2021

Vulval Conformation, Common Vulval Injuries and the Caslick’s Procedure – Vulval Conformation and the Caslick’s Procedure are important aspects to consider, especially when breeding older multiparous mares By Jonathan F Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, DESM, MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Equine Reproduction In the normal mare the vulva provides the first effective barrier to protect the uterus from ascending infection.… Read More »

Ventral Rupture in the Pregnant Mare

Posted: | February 3, 2021

Late Term Pregnancy Problems in the Mare – Ventral Rupture in the Mare – A late-term mare presents with ventral oedema and obvious discomfort. What is the diagnosis and treatment? By Jonathan F Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, DESM, MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Equine Reproduction First Published in UK VET 8;3, April 2003 The 19-year-old multiparous pregnant Percheron mare illustrated… Read More »

Abortion in the Mare – Some Pointers

Posted: | February 1, 2021

Late Term and Habitual Abortion in the Mare – Pregnancy loss in the mare is a constant source of concern among breeders. Here some common causes are discussed. By Jos Mottershead Late term and habitual abortion in the mare is a constant source of concern among breeders. It may be as a result of identifiable repetitious causes, or… Read More »

Failure of Passive Transfer

Posted: | January 9, 2021

Failure of Passive Transfer in Neonatal Foals – low IgG – can lead to potentially fatal complications, but is easily managed in most with testing and supplementation By Jos Mottershead Foals are born with little or no immunity to infection from outside organisms. There is a minimal amount of immunoglobulin-M (IgM) produced in-utero, but insufficient to ensure adequate… Read More »

Dealing with Retained Fetal Membranes (Placenta)

Posted: | November 16, 2020

Retained Fetal Membranes in the Mare – Post foaling retention of placenta and membranes. Noted reproductive vet Dr. Jon Pycock discusses at what point this becomes a problem, and how to treat it. By Dr. Jonathan F Pycock, B.Vet.Med., Ph.D., D.E.S.M., M.R.C.V.S. Equine Reproductive Services, Messenger Farm, Ryton, Yorkshire The mare illustrated here is presented to you four… Read More »

Is my mare Overdue? The Perennial Panic!

Posted: | November 13, 2020

Is my mare overdue? – A question frequently asked by concerned owners and discussed here with possible answers and statistics related to gestational durations. By Jos Mottershead Note: Please review the statistics at the foot of this page. If you have gestational duration information on your born-live colt or filly foal, please add it and assist us in… Read More »