Category Archives: mare

New Research Articles from Professor John Newcombe!

Posted: | June 30, 2024

Unpublished Research Articles from Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS We were delighted – honoured to be asked – to present some previously unpublished and summarized research articles from Professor John Newcombe. The author is a world-renowned expert in the field of equine reproduction, with a list of peer-reviewed published works well in excess of a hundred. In association… Read More »

Repeated Embryo Loss in Mares

Posted: | June 2, 2024

Repeated Embryo Loss in Mares is the Result of Retarded, Small for Age, Embryonic Vesicles. By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS A Normal Foetus and then a Foal Will Eventually Result When a Normal Embryo is Produced: A Case Report ABSTRACT A twelve-year-old maiden/barren part-TB mare with otherwise limited reproductive history, was sent to an equine fertility clinic… Read More »

CEM Identified in Florida

Posted: | May 29, 2024

CEM Identified in Florida “A mare in Florida (FL) has been confirmed culture positive by the USDA APHIS National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) for Taylorella equigenitalis, the bacterium that causes contagious equine metritis (CEM). The affected mare, the breeding stallion, and one other mare are under quarantine. A comprehensive epidemiological investigation is being conducted including traceback and history… Read More »

Longer Last Cycle

Posted: | April 7, 2024

The last completed cycle (IOI) of the year before a phase of extended winter anoestrus is significantly longer than the midsummer IOI in each mare By Professor John Newcombe, BVetMed, MRCVS Abstract Data held at a Clinic at latitude 52°N was examined retrospectively to determine the length of the last Inter-ovulatory Interval (“IOI” – “cycle”) preceding a period… Read More »

N-acetylcysteine Improves Diagnostic Reliability

Posted: | November 26, 2023

Clean Culture and Cytology – Perhaps Not So Clean? For many years, the standard pre-breeding evaluation included a uterine swab culture alone. It was then determined that allegedly “clean” mares were not becoming pregnant, and further investigation showed that there were inflammatory cells present in the uterus, indicating some sort of irritant – usually a pathogen missed with… Read More »

Diagnosis of Placentitis

Posted: | November 19, 2023

Diagnosis of Placentitis – Are Inflammatory Markers Useful? Placentitis is – literally and practically – “inflammation of the placenta” (“itis” as a suffix indicates inflammation). Use of assays for inflammatory markers in the mare – in particular Serum Amyloid A (SAA) – have been previously suggested as possible diagnostic tools for use in the identification of placentitis. Inflammatory… Read More »

Ovulatory Temperature Changes

Posted: | November 12, 2023

Can Mare Temperature Changes Predict Ovulation? Temperature changes to predict ovulation are used in multiple species, including humans. The question has been asked of the mare in the past, Bowman et al. identifying a drop in temperature using a temperature-reporting microchip following ovulation which occurred in the period from midnight to 9:00 am. Diurnal fluctuations were also observed,… Read More »

Novel Treatment for Endometritis

Posted: | November 4, 2023

Ozonated Sunflower Oil for Endometritis Treatment The overuse of antibiotics in medicine today – including equine reproduction – has led to searches for alternative novel treatment for endometritis in the equine, as well as in many other facets of the medical field. In human medicine and dentistry, ozone has been shown to be capable of killing Gram-positive and… Read More »

Endometrial Cup Regression

Posted: | October 27, 2023

Is it Possible to Cause Earlier Regression of the Endometrial Cups to Permit a Return to Breedable Estrus in the Mare? Unique to the early equine pregnancy is the invasive trophoblast of the chorionic girdle and its formation of the endometrial cup cells which secrete equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). This invasion occurs between days 35–38 after ovulation. The… Read More »

Blue Light

Posted: | October 22, 2023

Does Maternal Exposure to Blue Light Affect Foal Development at Maturity? Because humans like to try and defy nature – January 1st being the “birthday” in the northern hemisphere, and only marginally better August 1st in the southern – we are often attempting to force earlier onset of cyclicity in the seasonally anestrus mare using lighting programs. Several… Read More »