Category Archives: laboratory (mare)

Altrenogest Effect on Progesterone

Posted: | October 7, 2023

Is it True Altrenogest Has an Effect on Progesterone Production? Pregnant and embryo recipient mares are often treated with supplemental progestins – commonly Altrenogest in the oral form Regumate, or injectable in one of several longer-acting commercial preparations – in an expectation of “low progesterone” levels. There is a significant question as to what number should be applied… Read More »

Endometrial Biopsy in the Mare

Posted: | September 2, 2023

Endometrial Biopsy in the Mare – is one sample enough? An endometrial biopsy in the mare is a useful diagnostic to determine cellular health of the uterine lining which will be directly responsible for pregnancy maintenance once placentation has occurred. The biopsy score is correlated to the likelihood of live foal production by use of different scales, such… Read More »


Posted: | August 6, 2023

ISER XIII “Snippets” – Held in Brazil in August 2023, ISER XIII produced a variety of useful research with immediate clinical value, here we review some of the presentations The thirteenth International Symposium on Equine Reproduction (ISER XIII) was held in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil between July 10th–14th, 2023. Around 400 veterinarians, researchers and animal scientists were present,… Read More »

Steroidal Secretion Effects on Uterine Ultrasound Characteristics

Posted: | October 27, 2021

Ultrasound Characteristics of the Uterus in the Cycling Mare and their Correlation with Steroid Hormones and Timing of Ovulation – By Jonathan Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, DESM, MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Equine Reproduction – Steroid Effects on Uterine Ultrasound in the Mare By Jonathan F Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, DESM, MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Equine Reproduction The introduction of transrectal… Read More »

How Clean is that Mare?

Posted: | March 16, 2021

Uterine Swabs, Smears and Cultures. – What should a stallion owner do to protect the Live Cover stallion from pathogenic transfer? An overview of swabs smears and cultures. By Jos Mottershead Printed in “The Reproduction Forum” in the CSHA Newsletter, 1996; “Atlantic Horse and Pony” (combined with other material) February 1996 Q: As a stallion owner, what procedures… Read More »

Uterine Cytology Diagnostics in the Mare Explained

Posted: | March 14, 2021

Why Perform a Cytology Smear in Conjunction with a Uterine Culture? – The importance of uterine cytology evaluation supporting the culture results is explained. By Jos Mottershead Most stallion owners require a “clean uterine culture” from a mare prior to breeding her live cover or in some cases shipping semen to her; many mare owners also reference the… Read More »

Timed Insemination Breeding

Posted: | February 7, 2021

Timed Insemination Protocol for Frozen Semen Use – Use of frozen semen in the mare may be “labour intensive”, but timed insemination can really simplify things! By Jos Mottershead The use of frozen semen has long been promoted as complicated and time consuming. Veterinarians and reproductive specialists have often been unenthusiastic about its use because of the intensive… Read More »

Abortion in the Mare – Some Pointers

Posted: | February 1, 2021

Late Term and Habitual Abortion in the Mare – Pregnancy loss in the mare is a constant source of concern among breeders. Here some common causes are discussed. By Jos Mottershead Late term and habitual abortion in the mare is a constant source of concern among breeders. It may be as a result of identifiable repetitious causes, or… Read More »

Warming Semen in the Field

Posted: | January 31, 2021

Constructing An Emergency Slide Warmer – Sometimes lab equipment may not be available, so one has to become inventive. An emergency slide warmer is one such piece of equipment! By Jos Mottershead Sometimes lab equipment may not be available, so one has to become inventive. An emergency slide warmer is one such piece of equipment! Easily constructed –… Read More »