PolSKI a Success!

Posted: | February 8, 2023

The first annual PolSKI equine reproduction CPD course, held recently in Szczyrk, Poland was considered a success by all attendees. With a well-rounded collection of equine reproduction “notables” as speakers on a variety of cutting-edge topics and research, the lectures were offset by a healthy level of relaxation in the form of daily skiing and other extra-curricular activities… Read More »

Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) Article Updated

Posted: | January 14, 2023

Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) Article Update Following the USA’s multi-state outbreak of Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) in 2006, Jos Mottershead and Kathy St. Martin of Equine-Reproduction.com, LLC wrote an article about the virus with world-renowned expert on the subject Dr. Peter Timoney. The article became recognized as a reliable source written in plain language, which helped both disseminate… Read More »

How Prevalent is Drug Use in Equine Reproduction?

Posted: | November 20, 2022

How Prevalent is Drug Use in Equine Reproduction? An interesting retrospective study on drug use in equine reproduction that looks at a wide variety of drugs being used in breeding and pregnancy situations on seven Irish and UK Thoroughbred breeding farms has been published (Descriptive Study of Medication Usage and Occurrence of Mouncey R, Arango-Sabogal JC, de Mestre… Read More »

Stallion Management Research Survey!

Posted: | November 5, 2022

Stallion Management Research Survey! If you are a stallion owner or manager, here is your opportunity to participate in a stallion management research survey! Researchers from the Universities of Vienna (Austria) and Brasilia (Brazil) are seeking input related to stallion management. They are asking applicable owners/managers to complete a quick questionnaire to add data to their survey. This… Read More »

“True” Equine IVF Shows Positive Results with Improved Method

Posted: | October 12, 2022

“True” Equine IVF Yields Success! Standard to other species (notably humans) “In Vitro Fertilization”, wherein an oocyte and sperm are introduced together in a petri dish and a pregnancy results, has been an abysmal failure in the equine. In fact, up until now, there have only been two foals successfully produced using true equine IVF, and that was… Read More »

Rule Limiting the Number of Foals Dropped by Jockey Club

Posted: | April 1, 2022

In May of 2020, the US Jockey Club introduced a rule limiting the number of foals that would be registered per year per stallion to 140. At the time, Equine-Reproduction.com, LLC opined that this rule would be challenged and dropped. In February 2021, three of Kentucky’s largest stud farms: Spendthrift Stallions, Ashford Stud, and Three Chimneys Farm did… Read More »

Antibiotic Resistance to be Addressed by Access Restrictions in USA

Posted: | January 14, 2022

Antibiotic Access to become Rx in USA to Help Reduce Antibiotic Resistance There has long been discussion about the dangers of antibiotic resistance. “MRSA” is an acronym that many have heard and know to be a “bad thing” but perhaps are not aware of what it actually means. The full term – Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – is pretty… Read More »

Equine Reproduction Short Courses

Posted: | January 8, 2022

The 2022 equine reproduction short courses schedule has been announced! After over a year-long hiatus owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have scheduled three equine reproduction short courses for the spring of 2022. Two will be held at our facility in Oklahoma (January 22, 23 & 24, and March 4, 5 & 6, 2022), and one will be… Read More »

Website Update

Posted: | December 5, 2021

We are pleased to be able to announce a complete website update of the Equine-Reproduction.com website! It’s been a while in the making, but we’ve updated the site to a mobile-friendly format. With more and more people using mobile devices of one sort or another, we knew it was time for a website update, as even though the… Read More »

Dr Peter Rossdale

Posted: | November 28, 2021

Vale Dr. Peter Rossdale It is with sadness that we report the passing of another great founder in the area of modern equine reproduction and veterinary practice, Dr. Peter Rossdale. Dr. Rossdale graduated in 1952 from the UK’s Royal Veterinary College, then for the few years following worked in general and equine practices in other clinics before setting… Read More »