Website Update

Posted: | December 5, 2021

Website update at Equine-Reproduction.comWe are pleased to be able to announce a complete website update of the website! It’s been a while in the making, but we’ve updated the site to a mobile-friendly format. With more and more people using mobile devices of one sort or another, we knew it was time for a website update, as even though the majority of the articles were easily readable on mobile devices, we were aware that some of the index pages in particular were less readable.

With the exception of just a couple of articles, all of those presented on the “old” site are here on the newly designed site. Indeed, we have updated articles which were in need as we loaded them up to the new site – that was a lot of rewriting! There are a few items which were not transferrable, but we hope to be able to create some sort of work around to add them – and other new items – in the future. Those of you who routinely use our semen calculator will be pleased to hear that the calculator is fully operational, so you will be able to avoid doing math! We still have a few “tweaks” to add, but we wanted to get the website update presented to our users and available as soon as we could!

Our IT department at, LLC are cautiously optimistic that we have got all the “i’s dotted and t’s crossed”, but as with any major website update, there is always the possibility of something not working as it should. If you encounter a problem or find something is missing, please drop us a message to let us know! We’ll appreciate it! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the site and would love to see you on our Facebook Page or the EquineRepro Facebook Group!