PolSKI 2025 is Scheduled!

Visit PolSKI’s Facebook Post for more information!
The third annual PolSKI equine reproduction veterinary conference has been scheduled from 28th of January to the 2nd of February 2025, being held at the Aries Hotel & SPA**** in Zakopane, Poland.
This equine reproduction veterinary conference has leaders in the industry presenting current advanced information and techniques with an emphasis of clinical value. Held in the Polish skiing area, it also provides some tremendous relaxation(?) opportunities with great skiing and social events. Not only is this an educational meeting, but it is also a lot of fun!
As a tremendous accolade to the Facebook EquineRepro group which we manage, this year two-thirds of the presenters are members of the group – Professors Newcombe, Alvarenga and Panzani, Drs. Fedorka and Burger , and Equine-Reproduction.com‘s very own lead lecturer, Jos Mottershead!
A wide variety of equine reproduction topics are covered in this conference, with a strong emphasis on clinically valuable information being disseminated. This is a meeting where you can learn about techniques and material that can be immediately implemented in your practice!
Places for this equine reproduction veterinary conference are limited, so early application is recommended!! More details are available at the link attached.
More details are available on the PolSKI Facebook page
We hope to see you there!!