We are pleased to announce that our lead lecturer, Jos Mottershead, has been invited to, and will attend, the International Symposium on Equine Reproduction – ISER – as a delegate. This symposium is held every 4 years (although this meeting was delayed by COVID) in different locations around the world. It is an invitation-only meeting of world leaders in the field of equine reproduction – scientists and veterinarians – where numerous new papers related to the subject are presented. The meeting is to be held at Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil, and there will be almost 250 presentations spread over five days.
Quite aside from the enjoyment of the meeting itself, Jos has said that one of the major pleasures is that he will be able to bring so much of the new information there presented directly to the “field” – the breeding veterinarian and owner – through this website, the Facebook Group that we operate, and our short courses.
“ISER” was first held in Cambridge in the UK in 1974. This year’s meeting is the thirteenth since that time. More details about ISER can be found on their website at https://www.iser-online.org/ and their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ISERXIIl